Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why am I here?

Another New Year approaches.  Resolutions are passe . . . I'll call this a plan.  A plan to take a "course" in life.  So much has converged in my life that I simply cannot ignore it.  

Books and other media have "fallen off the shelves" into my life, as "required materials" for the "course".  The teachers of this course are the authors I will be reading and listening to beginning, coincidentally, in the coming weeks, months and years.  Many of them have written exercises, and some are heady in intent, yet I feel they all are in my life at the perfect time.

I am just days past the 2nd anniversary of my son Seth's passing, Christmas Eve 2009.  As with other such events in my life, I was and am prone to extreme introspection, examining words, actions, what I would change.  As saddened as I am for that impetus forcing me into this state of mind, I am hopeful that a deeper relationship with myself, my family and my God will emerge.  And Seth would like that.

I will be focusing on varied, yet symbiotic, areas of my life including:

Emotional Health
Physical Health
  including weight loss

Being a person who loves to write, I have never really journaled before, or if I started, stopped.  This time, I have a great need to journal.  I want these areas of my life to flourish all with the exquisite end result of getting closer to God. Clearly, not because I would be "better", but because I would be closer to the way He made me. . . whole, healthy, happy.

Lofty goals, but if I don't reach for them, will they come magically to me? Of course not.  I need to pursue them, I need to learn to forgive myself and relearn to love myself . . . whoever I find that person to be.

Here are my "required materials" channeled to me from various and sundry sources:

I am seeing a naturopath for my low thyroid, now using Armour Thyroid for the first time in 12 years. From her, I got the book When The Body Says No that helped me realize the stress I "eat" is literally "eating" me.  My thyroid problem is more caused by thyroid antibodies, in that my body thinks thyroid, of any kind, is "foreign."  Change my usual response to stress and I just might begin to feel better. (See Nia and Breathe above)  I will be seeing a biofeedback specialist and hope to include some massages during these days of growth and discovery. 

All this of course has to be fit in with creating jewelry, part-time RN duties and the usual family, appointments and chores. It puts me in mind of one of my favorite motivational books of all time, the tiny Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh  But the challenge is intriguing.  I seriously am looking at this as if I'm starting college next week.  I'm excited, I know there's work ahead, but I'm encouraged at the potential for personal, emotional and spiritual growth.  Let the journaling begin . . . .
