Friday, January 6, 2012

My path is made clearer than ever . . .

Today was one of those get shtuff done, get labs drawn, make payments, pick up kids, go to Costco, pick up dinner, finally get into the office.  No time for crafts today, and also, no time to eat.  I had a few spoons of my absolute favorite Greek yogurt (ZOI - honey), took a bottle of water with me and that's it till dinner.  And I felt just great!  Able to have more ZOI after dinner and still be around 1200 calories.  That was my perfect diet for today.  

Into the office after dinner, checked into my Facebook page to find a blessing waiting there for me.  Katrina Love Penn, the author of Eat Yourself Trim, one of those mentors I listed on my first day here, took time out of her day to write and encourage me, to wish me "blessings and love".  I was humbled. I feel blessed.

Back to the "Book of Knowledge", ie., Google: subconscious . . . found Bruce Lipton, cell biologist and author, speaking on his study and newly accepted knowledge by the noetic sciences that "genes do not control what happens in our bodies.  It is their response to their environment, OR the organisms perception of the environment."  Our minds perceive our environment and our emotions interpret those perceptions and our genes respond the the resulting emotional signals. He states we have "50 million cells, each like an individual", receiving these signals and responding.  "When the leadership is off, the cells rebel, causing a disturbance in the population which results in a state of dis-ease. . . if we change our perception, then we change our gene activity."  

On another of Bruce Lipton's videos he compared all of us as actors in The Matrix, that we've all been programmed, and are working for "the machine".  That it's time to get "out of the program and wake up your consciousness.  When you do . . . you return to the seat of power, the power of who you are, which is beyond belief."

With Katrina's blessing and Bruce's focus on changing my perception, my path is made clearer than ever.  Thanks for listening.


My day out wasn't totally a waste, I was able to pick all these guys up for less than $12.  I'm planning on using them as toppers for utensil chimes, hoping to have some in my Etsy store by summer.  Oh, and that red item in the back . . . a chocolate rose, brought to me by dear hubby.  If I weren't so "aware", I might think he was trying to sabotage me . . . but it's all in perception, right?
Uh huh.


  1. Thanks Lori, if I haven't told you already, I really admire your work, btw.
